bouncy houses/inflables






We have three types of bouncy houses. We have singles, combos and water bouncy houses. They all come in different designs for different occasions.

SINGLE: Single bouncy houses are 15x15x15 big and they come in princess, unisex, sports, and palm tree designs. These bouncy houses are meant just for jumping, they have a net on all sides so viewing the children play will be easy. Children enter and exit through the same opening. These bouncy houses are clamped down to the ground an will not fly away with the wind.

COMBO: Combo bouncy houses are 15×30 big. They have a single unit but it is also attacked to an inflatable slide giving kids a fun way to exit. They enter from one opening and exit through another. These bouncy houses have basketball hoops inside. They come in multiple princess designs, sports and unisex. They are also clamped down to the ground.

WATER BOUNCY HOUSES: Water bouncy houses have a single unit and they are also connected to a waterslide. There is a nozzle at the top of the slide and rains down on the kids as they slide down, the kids land in a water pool at  the end of the slide. this pool at the end breaks their fall and they are completely unharmed. This unique bouncy house gives a completely new and much more fun experience. These bouncy houses come in a tropical palm tree design ( 15x50ft.) and a unisex design(15x40ft.)


Tenemos tres tipos de inflables. Tenemos inflables individuales, combos y inflables de agua. Todos vienen en diferentes diseños para diferentes ocasiones.

INDIVIDUALES inflables individuales son 15x15x15 ft. de grande y vienen en diseños de la princesa, unisex, deportes y de palmeras. Estos inflables  son sólo para saltar, tiene ventanas en todos lados. Los niños entran y salen por la misma abertura. Estos inflables se aseguran con estacas.

COMBO: inflable combo son 15×30 de grande. Tienen para saltar y también para deslizar. Una forma divertida de salir. Ellos entran por una abertura y la salida a través de otro. Vienen en varios diseños princesa, deportes y unisex. También se sujetan al suelo.

INFLABLES DE AGUA: Inflables de agua tiene para saltar y también están conectados a un tobogán de agua. Hay una piscina en la parte superior de la corredera. Esta piscina al final interrumpe su caída y son completamente ileso. Este inflable le da una experiencia completamente nueva y mucho más divertido. Estos inflables de agua vienen en un diseño tropical de la palmera (15x50ft.) Y un diseño unisex (15x40ft).

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